Walk Eleven - STOP SIGNS

Through the filtered screen

of a thick gray shade,

I can see the sun’s light

gliding across the roofs of cars

lined in two rows

I leave the cafe

stepping out into the generous warmth

this lucky December day has to share

Leaving my gloves in my pocket,

I walk up to more sunlight

It glides down the pink pair

of children’s slides

on a whimsical descend of its own

My shadow graces the empty basketball court

behind the children’s park

I watch it slide across the ground

And from the other side,

once I turn the corner,

I watch the sunlight roll across

the empty space

The court is not loveless, though lonely

The sun keeps it better company

Drying in the winter’s chill,

what’s left of a tenacious

Cherry Blossom tree gently swings

above my head

as I peer up

watching the faint pink pieces

and how they almost blend into

the faintness of today’s sky

The tree’s branches and bark

hold the pink like loyal hands



The MESSAGE sits in someone’s window

right above the big street

where shoppers carry their groceries,

apparel, and hardware

My feet beat pavement

as I think of the songs

stolen from Palestine…




The sound of a basketball popping

the sidewalk cracks me open

The hooded human in black

plays his instrument, his ball,


He pauses his bounce

as I walk through

the space in between him and his friend

They speak to each other

from each side;

remnants of an unfolding story

trail behind my back

as I approach a STOP sign

For some reason,

STOP signs have been

meaning something to me lately

A heap of lyrical birds

sing above my head,

in the sprawled hand of a naked tree

as I approach a building held by vines

Like veins on a body,

the brown travels the brick wall,

spreading from its roots

and around the architecture

I sigh

Above the door to someone’s house,

A PRIDE flag—one of my many flags—

wiggles as wind builds

Trudging forth through my afternoon,

I wonder “If I had a flag of my very own,

what would it look like?

How would I wave it?”

My flag is yellow, for resilience,

pink for courage,

orange for insecurities,

green for nature,

brown for wisdom,

purple for humor,

blue for playfulness,

and black for love

What are your colors?


Walk Twelve - SPAN OF SKY


Walk Ten - Tight Wire and Good Memories